Brave Love

Brave Love is about being a catalytic woman who defies the status quo and steps outside of normalcy.  It is the story of Deborah.  It is the story of activated love and it is the story of every woman. This book is designed to activate every woman to love bravely without restraint and to take that love to the ends of the earth. — Click here to check out the FREE kit downloads for this book. — Download the Kindle version on Amazon here. If you are with a missionary organization and want to order books in bulk, please email us for possible discounts.

(6 customer reviews)


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6 reviews for Brave Love

  1. Anna Ruales

    This book was the match that lit my fire and opened my eyes to the incredible calling that women have for the Kingdom of God! I highly recommend it to those who want to stir into flames the gifts God has given you and other ladies as well.

  2. Lanae Nichols

    It was easy to find the book

  3. Lanae Nichols

    I’ve heard it’s a great book

  4. Ginger Lynch

    I want to be brave

  5. Suzy

    So good!

  6. Pieter Kaptein

    Can ypu send this boek to the Netherlands?

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